KeyframeEase object

myKey= new KeyframeEase(speed, influence);


The KeyframeEase object encapsulates the keyframe ease settings of a layer’s AE property. Keyframe ease is
determined by the speed and influence values that you set using the property’s setTemporalEaseAtKey

The constructor creates a KeyframeEase object. Both parameters are required.

• speed: A floating-point value. Sets the speed attribute.
• influence: A floating-point value in the range [0.1..100.0]. Sets the influence attribute.


This example assumes that the Position, a spatial property, has more than two keyframes.
var easeIn = new KeyframeEase(0.5, 50);
var easeOut = new KeyframeEase(0.75, 85);
var myPositionProperty = app.project.item(1).layer(1).property("Position")
myPositionProperty.setTemporalEaseAtKey(2, [easeIn], [easeOut]);

This example sets the Scale, a temporal property with either two or three dimensions. For 2D and 3D properties you must set an easeIn and easeOut value for each dimension:
var easeIn = new KeyframeEase(0.5, 50);
var easeOut = new KeyframeEase(0.75, 85);
var myScaleProperty = app.project.item(1).layer(1).property("Scale")
myScaleProperty.setTemporalEaseAtKey(2, [easeIn, easeIn, easeIn], [easeOut, easeOut, easeOut]);


Attribute Reference Description
speed “KeyframeEase speed attribute” The speed setting for a keyframe.
influence “KeyframeEase influence attribute” The influence setting for a keyframe.

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