
A text frame target for this marker. Together with the URL value, this targets a specific frame within a Web page.String; read/write.

MaskPropertyGroup object

The MaskPropertyGroup object encapsulates mask attributes in a layer.ユ MaskPropertyGroup is a subclass of PropertyGroup. All methods and attributes of Prope


Opens the layer in a Layer panel, and moves the Layer panel to front and gives it focus.None.Viewer object for the Layer panel, or null if the layer could n


The value of the named property at the current time.ユ If expressionEnabled is true, returns the evaluated expression value.ユ If there are keyframes, returns


Sets values for a set of keyframes at specified of times. Creates a new keyframe for the named property, if one does not currently exist for a specified tim


The text layerメs font size in pixels.NOTE: If the text layer has different font size settings for each character, this attribute returns the setting for the


For a light layer, its light type.Trying to set this attribute for a non-light layer produces an error.ALightType enumerated value; read/write. One of:Light


Creates a new AVLayer object containing the specified item, and adds it to this collection.The new layer honors the Create Layers at Composition Start Time


True if the layer’s effects are active, as indicated by the icon next to it in the user interface.Boolean; read/write.


When true, the named property is of a type whose expression can be set by a script. See also Property expression attribute .Boolean; read-only.