ImportOptions object

The ImportOptions object encapsulates the options used to import a file with the Project.importFile methods.The constructor takes an optional parameter, an

AVItem object

The AVItem object provides access to attributes and methods of audio/visual files imported into After Effects.ユ AVItem is a subclass of Item. All methods an


The value of the named property as evaluated at the specified time.Note that the type of value returned is not made explicit; it will be of a different type

TextDocument object

The TextDocumentobject stores a value for a TextLayer’s Source Text property. Create it withthe constructor, passing the string to be encapsulated.ExamplesT

KeyframeEase object

The KeyframeEase object encapsulates the keyframe ease settings of a layerメs AE property. Keyframe ease isdetermined by the speed and influence values that


When true, an alpha channel in a footage clip or proxy should be inverted.This attribute is valid onlyif an alpha is present. If hasAlpha isfalse, or if alp

PropertyGroup object

The PropertyGroup object represents a group of properties. It can contain Property objects and other PropertyGroup objects. Property groups can be nested to

Application object

Provides access to objects and application settings within the After Effects application. The single global object is always available by its name, app.Attr


When true, the named property is time varyingラthat is, it has keyframes or an enabled expression. When this attribute is true, the attribute canVaryOverTime


The name of the operating system on which After Effects is running.NOTE: As of Windows 7, this attribute returns a blank value. Use $.os instead.String; rea