
Creates a new folder. Creates and returns a new FolderItem object and adds it to this collection.If the ItemCollection belongs to the project or the root fo

RQItemCollection object

The RQItemCollection contains all of the render-queue items in a project, as shown in the Render Queue panel of the project. The collection provides access


Creates a new camera layer and adds the CameraLayer object to this collection.The new layer honors the Create Layers at Composition Start Time


The current render status of the item.An RQItemStatus enumerated value; read-only. One of:RQItemStatus.WILLCONTINUE Rendering process has been paused.RQItem


Creates a new light layer and adds the LightLayer object to this collection.The new layer honors the Create Layers at Composition Start Time

OMCollection object

The OMCollection contains all of the output modules in a render queue. The collection provides access to the OutputModule objects, but does not provide any


The names of all Render Settings templates available for the item. See also RenderQueueItem saveAsTemplate method .Array of strings; read-only.


Creates a new SolidSource object, with values set as specified; sets the new SolidSource as the mainSource value of a new FootageItem object, and adds the F


The composition that will be rendered by this render-queue item. To change the composition, you must delete this render-queue item and create a new one.Comp


The duration in seconds of the composition to be rendered. The duration is determined by subtracting the start time from the end time. Setting this value is