
Opens a project.file Optional. An ExtendScript File object for the project file to open. If not supplied, the method prompts the user to select a project fi


The ExtendScript File object for the footage’s source file.If theFootageItem’smainSource is a FileSource, this is the same as FootageItem.mainSource.file.Ot


When true, writes all source footage XMP metadata to the output file. Corresponds to the Include Source XMP Metadata option in the Output Module Settings di


Removes unused footage from the project. Same as the File > Remove Unused Footage command.None.Integer; the total number of FootageItem objects removed.


Loads color swatch data from an Adobe Swatch Exchange ASE file.file The file specification, an ExtendScript File object.The swatch data, in this format:data


The footage source, an object that contains all of the settings related to that footage item, including those that are normally accessed through the Interpr


When true, has the same effect as setting the Force alphabetical order option in the File > Import > File dialog box.Boolean; read/write.


Saves the project. The same as the File > Save or File > Save As command. If the project has never previously been saved and no file is specified, prompts t

Application object

Provides access to objects and application settings within the After Effects application. The single global object is always available by its name, app.Attr


Changes the source of this FootageItem to the specified file. In addition to loading the file, the method creates a new FileSource object for the file and s