
Sets a sequence of files as the proxy of this AVItem, with the option of forcing alphabetical order. Loads the specified file sequence into a new FileSource


Reports whether the file can be imported as the source of a particular object type. If this method returns true, you can set the given type as the value of


The parent of this layer; can be null.Offset values are calculated to counterbalance any transforms above this layer in the hierarchy, so that when you set


Removes all items from the project except those specified. Same as the File > Reduce Project command.array _ o f _ i te m s An array containing the Item obj


A unique and persistent identification number used internally to identify an item between sessions. The value of the ID remains the same when the project is


The composition that will be rendered by this render-queue item. To change the composition, you must delete this render-queue item and create a new one.Comp


Creates a SolidSource object with specified values, sets this as the value of the proxySource attribute, and sets useProxy to true. It does not preserve the

ItemCollection object

?ItemCollection object > The ItemCollection object represents a collection of items. The ItemCollection belonging to a Project object contains all the Item


Creates a new AVLayer object containing the specified item, and adds it to this collection.The new layer honors the Create Layers at Composition Start Time


Saves the project. The same as the File > Save or File > Save As command. If the project has never previously been saved and no file is specified, prompts t