
Ends Watch Folder mode.None.Nothing.See also Application watchFolder method Application parseSwatchFile method Application isWatchFolder attribute


The name of a callback function that is calledwhenever the value of the RenderQueueItem.status attribute changes.You cannot make changes to render queue ite

MarkerValue object

The MarkerValue object represents a layer marker, which associates a comment, and optionally a chapter reference point, Web-page link, or Flash Video cue po


Pauses or resumes the search of the target watch folder for items to render.pause True to pause, false to resume.Nothing.See also Application isWatchFolder

Settings object

DescriptionThe Settings object provides an easy way to manage settings for scripts. The settings are saved in the After Effects preferences file and are per


The effects available in the application.Array, with each element containing the following properties; read-only:displayName String representing the localiz


Quits the After Effects application.None.Nothing.


This attribute is used only when executing a script from a command line on Windows. When the application is launched from the command line, the ヨr or ヨs com


Set or clears the flag that determines whether preferences are saved when the application is closed.doSave When true, preferences saved on quit, when false


A string indicating the locale language and regional designations After Effects is running.NOTE: $.locale returns the operating system language, not the lan