
A user-readable name for the item type; for example, Folder , Footage , or Composition .String; read-only.


Shows the Save dialog box. The user can name a file with a location and save the project, or click Cancel to exit the dialog box.None.Boolean; true if the p


A string that holds a comment, up to 15,999 bytes in length after any encoding conversion. The comment is for the user’s purpose only; it has no effect on t


When true, you can set the enabled attribute value. Generally, this is true if the user interface displays an eyeball icon for this property; it is true for


The effects available in the application.Array, with each element containing the following properties; read-only:displayName String representing the localiz


When true, this property is a group used to organize other properties. The property is not displayed in the user interface and its child properties are not


Begins suppression of script error dialog boxes in the user interface. Use endSuppressDialogs to resume the display of error dialogs.None.Nothing.


The current render status of the item.An RQItemStatus enumerated value; read-only. One of:RQItemStatus.WILLCONTINUE Rendering process has been paused.RQItem


The color used to draw the mask outline as it appears in the user interface Composition panel, Layer panel, and Timeline panel .Array of three floating-poin


Ends the suppression of script error dialog boxes in the user interface. Error dialogs are displayed by default;call this method only if beginSuppressDialog