
A unique and persistent identification number used internally to identify an item between sessions. The value of the ID remains the same when the project is


The frame rate of the AVItem, in frames-per-second. This is the reciprocal of the frameDuration. When set, the reciprocal is automatically set as a new fram


The ExtendScript File object for the file that defines this asset. To change the value:ユ If this FileSource is a proxySource of an AVItem, call setProxy ors


Returns true if the specified keyframe has spatial auto-Bezier interpolation. This type of interpolation affectsthis keyframe only if keySpatialContinuous k


An array containing each feather pointメs relative position, from 0 to 1, on its mask path segment section of the mask path between vertices, numbered starti


The speed value of the keyframe. The units depend on the type of keyframe, and are displayed in the KeyframeVelocity dialog box.Floating-point value; read/w


When true, the layer’s audio is enabled. This value corresponds to the audio toggle switch in the Timelinepanel.Boolean; read/write.


The expressionfor the named property. Writeable only when canSetExpression for the named property is true. When you specify a value for this attribute, the


Sets the static value of a property that has no keyframes.If the named property has keyframes, this method generates an exception and displays an error. To


The paragraph justification for the text layer.AParagraphJustification enumerated value; read-only. One of:ParagraphJustification.LEFT_JUSTIFYParagraphJusti