All items selected in the Project panel, in the sort order shown in the Project panel.Array of Item objects; read-only.
Category Archives: Project object
Removes all items from the project except those specified. Same as the File > Reduce Project command.array _ o f _ i te m s An array containing the Item obj
The time display style, corresponding to the Time Display Style section in the Project Settings dialog box.A TimeDisplayType enumerated value; read/write. O
Removes unused footage from the project. Same as the File > Remove Unused Footage command.None.Integer; the total number of FootageItem objects removed.
The item that is currently active and is to be acted upon, or a null if no item is currently selected or if multiple items are selected.Item object or null;
When true, thumbnail views use the transparency checkerboard pattern.Boolean; read/write.
The Footage Start Time setting in the Project Settings dialog box, which is enabled when Timecode is selected as the time display style.A FootageTimecodeDis