
A collection of all items in the render queue.RQItemCollection object; read-only.


Creates a new folder. Creates and returns a new FolderItem object and adds it to this collection.If the ItemCollection belongs to the project or the root fo

CompItem object

The CompItem object represents a composition, and allows you to manipulate and get information about it.Access the objects by position index number in a pro


The total number of items in the render queue.Integer; read-only.


Deletes this item from the project and from the Project panel. If the item is a FolderItem, all the items contained in the folder are also removed from the


An ItemCollection object containing Item object that represent the top-level contents of this folder.Unlike the ItemCollection in the Project object, this c


Gets a specified item from the items collection.index The position index of the item. An integer in the range [ m Ite ms].RenderQueueItem object.


The root folder containing the contents of the project; this is a virtual folder that contains all items in the Project panel, but not items contained insid


The number of items contained in the items collection folderItem.items.length .If the folder contains another folder, only the FolderItem for that folder is

RenderQueue object

The RenderQueue object represents the render automation process, the data and functionality that is available through the Render Queue panel of a particular