
Closes the project with the option of saving changes automatically, prompting the user to save changes or closing without saving changes.closeOptions Action


The number of frames to skip when rendering this item. Use this to do rendering tests that are faster than a full render.A value of 0 skip no frames, and re


True if it is legal to change the value of the collapseTransformation attribute on this layer.Boolean; read-only.


The value of the named property at the current time.ユ If expressionEnabled is true, returns the evaluated expression value.ユ If there are keyframes, returns


An array containing each feather pointメs relative angle percentage between the two normals on either side of a curved outer feather boundary at a corner on


True if it is legal to change the value of the timeRemapEnabled attribute on this layer.Boolean; read-only.


For a separated, multidimensional property, retrieves a specific follower property. For example, you can use this method on the Position property to access


A string that holds a comment, up to 15,999 bytes in length after any encoding conversion. The comment is for the user’s purpose only; it has no effect on t


An array containing each feather pointメs relative position, from 0 to 1, on its mask path segment section of the mask path between vertices, numbered starti