
When true, the footage has an alpha component. In this case, the attributes alphaMode, invertAlpha , andpremulColor have valid values. When false, those att


Anarray containing each feather pointメs mask path segment number section of the mask path between vertices, numbered starting at 0 .NOTE: Values are stored


When true, the layer has a video switch the eyeball icon in the Timeline panel; otherwise false.Boolean; read-only.


For a separated follower, the dimension number it represents in the multidimensional leader. The first dimension starts at 0.Forexample, the Y Position prop


Sets a file as the proxy of this AVItem. Loads the specified file into a new FileSource object, sets this as the value of the proxySource attribute, and set


The position index of this property within its parent group, if it is a child of an indexed group a property group that has the type PropertyType.INDEXED_GR


When true the footage is still; when false, it has a time-based component.Examples of still footage are JPEG files, solids, and placeholders with duration o


An array containing each feather pointメs direction, either 0 outer feather point or 1 inner feather point .NOTE: You cannot change the direction of a feathe


The ExtendScript File object for the file containing the project that is currently open.File object or null if project has not been saved; read-only.


Returns true if the specified keyframe has spatial auto-Bezier interpolation. This type of interpolation affectsthis keyframe only if keySpatialContinuous k