
The feather falloff mode for the mask. Equivalent tothe Layer > Mask > Feather Falloff setting.AMaskFeatherFalloff enumerated value; read/write. One of:Mask


When true, the mask is a RotoBezier shape; otherwise, false.Boolean; read/write.


How motion blur is applied to this mask.A MakMotionBlur enumerated value; read/write. One of:Mask Motion Blur.SAME_AS_L AYERMaskMotion Blur.ONMaskMotion Blu


When true, the mask is locked and cannot be edited in the user interface; otherwise, false.Boolean; read/write.


When true, the mask is inverted; otherwise false.Boolean; read/write.


The masking mode for this mask.AMaskMode enumerated value; read/write. One of:MaskMode.NONEMaskMode.ADDMaskMode.SUBTRACTMaskMode.INTERSECTMaskMode.LIGHTENMa


The color used to draw the mask outline as it appears in the user interface Composition panel, Layer panel, and Timeline panel .Array of three floating-poin

MaskPropertyGroup object

The MaskPropertyGroup object encapsulates mask attributes in a layer.οΎ• MaskPropertyGroup is a subclass of PropertyGroup. All methods and attributes of Prope