
Gets the PropertyGroup object for an ancestor group of this property at a specified level of the parent-child hierarchy.countUp Optional. The number of leve

CameraLayer object

The CameraLayer object represents a camera layer within a composition. Create it using the LayerCollection objectメs addCamera method; see LayerCollection a


Consolidates all footage in the project. Same as the File > Consolidate All Footage command.None.Integer; the total number of footage items removed.


Associates a set of key-value pairs for Flash Video cue-point parameters, for a cue point associated with this marker value. A cue point can have any number


The number of indexed properties in this group.For layers, this method returns a value of 3, corresponding to the mask, effect, and motion tracker groups, w

Collection object

Like an array, a collection associates a set of objects or values as a logical group and provides access to them by index. However, most collection objects


Removes all items from the project except those specified. Same as the File > Reduce Project command.array _ o f _ i te m s An array containing the Item obj

MarkerValue object

The MarkerValue object represents a layer marker, which associates a comment, and optionally a chapter reference point, Web-page link, or Flash Video cue po

PropertyGroup object

The PropertyGroup object represents a group of properties. It can contain Property objects and other PropertyGroup objects. Property groups can be nested to


The maximum number of motion blur samples of 2D layer motion. This corresponds to the Adaptive Sample Limit setting in the Advanced tab of the Composition S