
A text frame target for this marker. Together with the URL value, this targets a specific frame within a Web page.String; read/write.


A textchapter link forthis marker. Chapterlinksinitiatea jump toa chapter in a QuickTime movieorin other formats thatsupport chapter marks.String; read/writ


When true, the FlashVideo cue point is for an event; otherwise, it is for navigation.Boolean; read/write.


The markerメs duration, in seconds. The duration appears in the Timeline panel as a short bar extending from the marker location.Floating point; read/write.

AVLayer object

The AVLayer object provides an interface to those layers that contain AVItem objects composition layers, footage layers, solid layers, text layers, and sou


The Flash Video cue point name, as shown in the Marker dialogbox.String; read/write.

CameraLayer object

The CameraLayer object represents a camera layer within a composition. Create it using the LayerCollection objectメs addCamera method; see LayerCollection a