True if the layer’s effects are active, as indicated by the icon next to it in the user interface.Boolean; read/write.
Tag Archives: layer
When true, the named property is of a type whose expression can be set by a script. See also Property expression attribute .Boolean; read-only.
Returns true if the specified keyframe is selected.keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the range [1..numKeys], as returned by the addKey or n
The property group that is the immediate parent of this property, or null if this PropertyBase is a layer.PropertyGroup object or null; read-only.
An array containing all of the currently selected Property and PropertyGroup objects in the layer.Array of PropertyBase objects; read-only.
Sets the parent of this layer to the specified layer, without changing the transform values of the child layer.There may be an apparent jump in the rotation
True if preserve transparency is enabled for the layer.Boolean; read/write.
When true, the named property is time varyingï¾—that is, it has keyframes or an enabled expression. When this attribute is true, the attribute canVaryOverTime
Selects or deselects the specified keyframe.keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the range [1..numKeys], as returned by the addKey or nearest-
Returns true if a property with the given name can be added to this property group. For example, you can only add mask to a mask group. The only legal input