Moves this property to a new position in its parent property group.This method is valid only for children of indexed groups; if it is not, or if the index v
Tag Archives: group
Marks the beginning of an undo group, which allows a script to logically group all of its actions as a single undoable action for use with the Edit > Undo/R
Gets the PropertyGroup object for an ancestor group of this property at a specified level of the parent-child hierarchy.countUp Optional. The number of leve
Marks the end of an undo group begun with the app.beginUndoGroup method. You can use this method to place an end to an undo group in the middle of a script,
Removes this property from its parent group. If this is a property group, it removes the child properties as well.This method is valid only for children of
Collection object
Like an array, a collection associates a set of objects or values as a logical group and provides access to them by index. However, most collection objects
PropertyBase object
Properties are accessed by name through layers, using various kinds of expression syntax, as controlled by application preferences. For example, the followi
When true, this property is a group used to organize other properties. The property is not displayed in the user interface and its child properties are not
The number of indexed properties in this group.For layers, this method returns a value of 3, corresponding to the mask, effect, and motion tracker groups, w