Viewer object

The Viewer object represents a Composition, Layer, or Footage panel.This maximizes the active viewer panel, and displays its type if it contains a compositi

AVLayer object

The AVLayer object provides an interface to those layers that contain AVItem objects composition layers, footage layers, solid layers, text layers, and sou


How the fields are to be separated in non-still footage.It is an error to set this attribute if isStill is true. It is an error to set this value to FieldSe


The Footage Start Time setting in the Project Settings dialog box, which is enabled when Timecode is selected as the time display style.A FootageTimecodeDis


The path and filename of footage that is missing from this asset. See also AVItem footageMissing attribute .String; read-only.


When true, the footage has an alpha component. In this case, the attributes alphaMode, invertAlpha , andpremulColor have valid values. When false, those att


A user-readable name for the item type; for example, Folder , Footage , or Composition .String; read-only.

FileSource object

The FileSource object describes footage that comes from a file.οΎ• FileSource is a subclass of FootageSource. All methods and attributes of FootageSource, in


Reports whether the file can be imported as the source of a particular object type. If this method returns true, you can set the given type as the value of


When true, an alpha channel in a footage clip or proxy should be inverted.This attribute is valid onlyif an alpha is present. If hasAlpha isfalse, or if alp