
The name of the layer. By default, this is the same as the Source name which cannot be changed in the Layerpanel , but you can set it to be different.String


A special name for the property used to build unique naming paths. The match name is not displayed, but you can refer to it in scripts. Every property has a


Schedules the specified JavaScript for delayed execution.stringToExecute A string containing JavaScript to be executed.delay A number of milliseconds to wai


The name of a callback function that is calledwhenever the value of the RenderQueueItem.status attribute changes.You cannot make changes to render queue ite


When true, the named property can vary over timeļ¾—that is, keyframe values or expressions can be written to this property.Boolean; read-only.


The FolderItem object for the folder that contains this item. If this item is at the top level of the project, this is the project’s root folder app.project


When true, this property is selected. Set to true to select the property, or to false to deselect it.Sampling this attribute repeatedly for a large number o

Application object

Provides access to objects and application settings within the After Effects application. The single global object is always available by its name, app.Attr


Retrieves a scripting preferences item value from the preferences file.sectionName A string containing the name of a settings sectionkeyName A string contai


When true, the named property uses its associated expression to generate a value. When false, the keyframe information or static value of the property is us