The masking mode for this mask.AMaskMode enumerated value; read/write. One of:MaskMode.NONEMaskMode.ADDMaskMode.SUBTRACTMaskMode.INTERSECTMaskMode.LIGHTENMa
Tag Archives: add
Adds a composition to the Render Queue, creating a RenderQueueItem.comp The CompItem object for the composition to be added.RenderQueueItem object.
Creates a new ShapeLayer object for a new, empty Shape layer. Use the ShapeLayer object to add properties, such as shape, fill, stroke, and path filters.Thi
RQItemCollection object
The RQItemCollection contains all of the render-queue items in a project, as shown in the Render Queue panel of the project. The collection provides access
The FolderItem object for the folder that contains this item. If this item is at the top level of the project, this is the project’s root folder app.project