A log type for this item, indicating which events should be logged while this item is being rendered.A LogType enumerated value; read/write . One of:LogType
Tag Archives: value
An action to be performed when the render operation is completed.A PostRenderAction enumerated value read/write ; one of:postRenderAction.NONEpostRenderActi
Returns the lengthof a frame for this AVItem, in seconds. This is the reciprocal of frameRate. When set, the reciprocal is automatically set as a new frameR
Returns a Layer object, which can be specified by name, an index position in this layer, or an index position relative to another layer.index The index numb
Returns true if the specified keyframe is roving. The first and last keyframe in a property cannot rove; if youtry to set roving forone of these, the operat
An array containing each feather pointメs relative angle percentage between the two normals on either side of a curved outer feather boundary at a corner on
MarkerValue object
The MarkerValue object represents a layer marker, which associates a comment, and optionally a chapter reference point, Web-page link, or Flash Video cue po
True if the layer’s audio is active at the current time.For this value to be true, audioEnabled mustbe true, no other layer with audio may be soloing unless
Creates and returns a new PlaceholderItem object and adds it to the projectメs items array. Same as the File > Import > Placeholder command.name A string con
Sets the incoming and outgoing temporal ease for the specified keyframe. See KeyframeEase object .keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the ran