Layer object

The Layer object provides access to layers within compositions. It can be accessed from an itemメs layer collection either by index number or by a name strin


The total number of items contained in the project, including folders and all types of footage.Integer; read-only.


Purges unused data of the specified types from memory. Replicates the Purge options in the Edit The type of elements to purge from memory; a Pur

FolderItem object

The FolderItem object corresponds to a folder in your Project panel. It can contain various types of items footage, compositions, solids as well as other fo


Returns the incoming spatial tangent for the specified keyframe, if the named property is spatial that is, the value type is TwoD _SPATIAL or ThreeD_SPATIAL


Returns the outgoing spatial tangent for the specified keyframe.keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the range [1..numKeys], as returned by th


Sets the ムinメ and ムoutメ interpolation types for the specified keyframe.keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the range [1..numKeys], as returne


Sets the incoming and outgoing temporal ease for the specified keyframe. See KeyframeEase object .keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the ran