When true, the mask is a RotoBezier shape; otherwise, false.Boolean; read/write.
Tag Archives: shape
Creates a new ShapeLayer object for a new, empty Shape layer. Use the ShapeLayer object to add properties, such as shape, fill, stroke, and path filters.Thi
MaskPropertyGroup object
The MaskPropertyGroup object encapsulates mask attributes in a layer.ユ MaskPropertyGroup is a subclass of PropertyGroup. All methods and attributes of Prope
Opens the layer in a Layer panel, and moves the Layer panel to front and gives it focus.None.Viewer object for the Layer panel, or null if the layer could n
Retrieves the rectangle bounds of the layer at the specified time index, corrected for text or shape layer content.Use, for example, to write text that is p
The incoming tangent vectors, or direction handles, associated with the vertices of the shape. Specify each vector as an array of two floating-point values,
The outgoing tangent vectors, or direction handles, associated with the vertices of the shape. Specify each vector as an array of two floating-point values,
The anchor points of the shape. Specify each point as an array of two floating-point values, and collect the point pairs into an array for the complete set
ShapeLayer object
The ShapeLayer object represents a shape layer within a composition. Create it using the LayerCollection objectメs addShape method; see LayerCollection addSh