When true, the rendering process is in progress or paused. When false, it is stopped.Boolean; read-only.
Tag Archives: rendering
Indicates the rendering order for the fill and stroke of a text layer. When true, the stroke appears over the fill.NOTE: If the text layer has different fil
Pauses the current rendering process, or continues a paused rendering process. This is the same as clicking Pause in the Render Queue panel during a render.
Starts the rendering process. This is the same as clicking Render in the Render Queue panel. The method does not return until the render process is complete
Stops the rendering process. This is the same as clicking Stop in the Render Queue panel during a render. You can call this method from an onStatusChanged o
OutputModule object
An OutputModule object of a RenderQueueItem generates a single file or sequence via a render operation, and contains attributes and methods relating to the
RenderQueue object
The RenderQueue object represents the render automation process, the data and functionality that is available through the Render Queue panel of a particular
True if the Watch Folder dialog box is currently displayed and the application is currently watching a folder for rendering.Boolean; read-only.
The number of seconds spent rendering this item.Integer, or null if item has not been rendered; read-only.