The ExtendScript File object for the file this output module is set to render.ExtendScript File object; read/write.
Tag Archives: render
Shows or hides the Render Queue panel.doShow When true, show the Render Queue panel. When false, hide it.Nothing.
Creates a duplicate of this item and adds it this render queue.NOTE: Duplicating an item whose status is Done sets the new itemメs status to Queued .None.Ren
The render queue of the project.RenderQueue object; read-only.
Stops the rendering process. This is the same as clicking Stop in the Render Queue panel during a render. You can call this method from an onStatusChanged o
Removes this item from the render queue.None.Nothing.
True if After Effects is running as a render engine.Boolean; read-only.
RenderQueue object
The RenderQueue object represents the render automation process, the data and functionality that is available through the Render Queue panel of a particular
Saves the itemメs current render settings as a new template with the specified A string containing the name of the new template.Nothing.
Pauses or resumes the search of the target watch folder for items to render.pause True to pause, false to resume.Nothing.See also Application isWatchFolder