
Removes this property from its parent group. If this is a property group, it removes the child properties as well.This method is valid only for children of


The text description of the units in which the value is expressed.String; read-only.


Sets the value of a keyframe at the specified time. Creates a new keyframe for the named property, if one does not currently exist for the specified time, a


The feather falloff mode for the mask. Equivalent tothe Layer > Mask > Feather Falloff setting.AMaskFeatherFalloff enumerated value; read/write. One of:Mask


Returns true if the specified keyframe is roving. The first and last keyframe in a property cannot rove; if youtry to set roving forone of these, the operat


A special name for the property used to build unique naming paths. The match name is not displayed, but you can refer to it in scripts. Every property has a


When true, the named property defines a spatial value. Examples are position and effect point controls.Boolean; read-only.


Turns roving on or off for the specified keyframe. The first and last keyframe in a property cannot rove; if you try to set roving forone of these, the oper

PropertyBase object

Properties are accessed by name through layers, using various kinds of expression syntax, as controlled by application preferences. For example, the followi


The value of the named property at the current time.ユ If expressionEnabled is true, returns the evaluated expression value.ユ If there are keyframes, returns