
Turns spatial continuity on or off for the specified keyframe.If the property value type is neither TwoD _SPATIAL nor ThreeD_SPATIAL, an exception is genera


When true, the named property defines a spatial value. Examples are position and effect point controls.Boolean; read-only.


When true, this property is enabled. It corresponds to the setting of the eyeball icon, if there is one; otherwise, the default is true.Boolean; read/write


A textchapter link forthis marker. Chapterlinksinitiatea jump toa chapter in a QuickTime movieorin other formats thatsupport chapter marks.String; read/writ


For a separated, multidimensional property, retrieves a specific follower property. For example, you can use this method on the Position property to access


If this property is a child of an indexed group, creates and returns a new PropertyBase object with the same attribute values as this one.If this property i


All of the selected properties Property and PropertyGroup objects in this composition. The first property isat index position 0.Array of Property and Proper


Sets the incoming and outgoing tangent vectors for the specified keyframe.If the property value type is neither TwoD _SPATIAL nor ThreeD_SPATIAL, an excepti


When true, the named property is time varyingï¾—that is, it has keyframes or an enabled expression. When this attribute is true, the attribute canVaryOverTime


When true, this property is an effect PropertyGroup.Boolean; read-only.