
Creates a new ShapeLayer object for a new, empty Shape layer. Use the ShapeLayer object to add properties, such as shape, fill, stroke, and path filters.Thi


When true, this property is a group used to organize other properties. The property is not displayed in the user interface and its child properties are not

Layer object

The Layer object provides access to layers within compositions. It can be accessed from an itemメs layer collection either by index number or by a name strin


When true, this property is selected. Set to true to select the property, or to false to deselect it.Sampling this attribute repeatedly for a large number o


The effects available in the application.Array, with each element containing the following properties; read-only:displayName String representing the localiz


Removes this property from its parent group. If this is a property group, it removes the child properties as well.This method is valid only for children of


Calculates a transformation from a set of points in this layer.pointTopLeft The top left point coordinates in the form of an array, [x, y, z].pointTopRight