Moves this property to a new position in its parent property group.This method is valid only for children of indexed groups; if it is not, or if the index v
Tag Archives: position
Creates a new CompItem object and moves the specified layers into its layer collection. It removes the individual layers from this collection, and adds the
When true, the property represents one of the separated dimensions for a multidimensional property. For example, the X Position property has this attribute
Gets a specified item from the items collection.index The position index of the item. An integer in the range [ m Ite ms].RenderQueueItem object.
Moves this layer to a position immediately before above the specified layer.layer The target layer, a layer object in the same composition.Nothing.
When true, the property is multidimensional and can be separated. For example, the Position property has this attribute set to true.NOTE: The original, cons
Gets an output module with the specified index position.index The position index of the output module. An integer in the range [1..numOutputModules].OutputM
OMCollection object
The OMCollection contains all of the output modules in a render queue. The collection provides access to the OutputModule objects, but does not provide any
When true, the named property defines a spatial value. Examples are position and effect point controls.Boolean; read-only.
RQItemCollection object
The RQItemCollection contains all of the render-queue items in a project, as shown in the Render Queue panel of the project. The collection provides access