
Moves the viewer panel to the front and places focus on it, making it active. Calling this method will set the viewerメs active attribute to true.None.Boolea


Creates a new project in After Effects, replicating the File > New > New Project menu command.If the current project has been edited, the user is prompted t


Saves the project. The same as the File > Save or File > Save As command. If the project has never previously been saved and no file is specified, prompts t


The masking mode for this mask.AMaskMode enumerated value; read/write. One of:MaskMode.NONEMaskMode.ADDMaskMode.SUBTRACTMaskMode.INTERSECTMaskMode.LIGHTENMa


Quits the After Effects application.None.Nothing.


Shows the Save dialog box. The user can name a file with a location and save the project, or click Cancel to exit the dialog box.None.Boolean; true if the p


Creates a new ShapeLayer object for a new, empty Shape layer. Use the ShapeLayer object to add properties, such as shape, fill, stroke, and path filters.Thi


Sets a file as the proxy of this AVItem. Loads the specified file into a new FileSource object, sets this as the value of the proxySource attribute, and set


If this property is a child of an indexed group, creates and returns a new PropertyBase object with the same attribute values as this one.If this property i