Opens the layer in a Layer panel, and moves the Layer panel to front and gives it focus.None.Viewer object for the Layer panel, or null if the layer could n
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Returns the key-value pairs for Flash Video cue-point parameters, for a cue point associated with this marker value.None.An object with an attribute matchin
Starts the rendering process. This is the same as clicking Render in the Render Queue panel. The method does not return until the render process is complete
Removes this OutputModule object from the collection.None.Nothing.
Creates and returns a duplicate of this composition, which contains the same layers as the original.None.CompItem object.
Moves this layer to the bottom position of the layer stack the last layer .None.Nothing.
Stops the rendering process. This is the same as clicking Stop in the Render Queue panel during a render. You can call this method from an onStatusChanged o
Deletes the specified layer from the composition.None.Nothing.
Opens the composition in a Composition panel, and moves the Composition panel to front and gives it focus.None.Viewer object for the Composition panel, or n
An action to be performed when the render operation is completed.A PostRenderAction enumerated value read/write ; one of:postRenderAction.NONEpostRenderActi