The names of all output-module templates available in the local installation of After Effects.Array of strings; read-only.
Tag Archives: module
Collection object
Like an array, a collection associates a set of objects or values as a logical group and provides access to them by index. However, most collection objects
The current rendering plug-in module to be used to render this composition, as set in the Advanced tab of the Composition Settings dialog box. Allowed value
Gets an output module with the specified index position.index The position index of the output module. An integer in the range [1..numOutputModules].OutputM
Saves this output module as a template and adds it to the templates A string containing the name of the new template.Nothing.
The name of the output module, as shown in the user interface.String; read-only.
When true, writes all source footage XMP metadata to the output file. Corresponds to the Include Source XMP Metadata option in the Output Module Settings di
The ExtendScript File object for the file this output module is set to render.ExtendScript File object; read/write.
OutputModule object
An OutputModule object of a RenderQueueItem generates a single file or sequence via a render operation, and contains attributes and methods relating to the
Applies the specified existing output-module template.template Name A string containing the name of the template to be applied.Nothing.