
The type of automatic orientation to perform for the layer.An AutoOrientType enumerated value; read/write. One of:AutoOrientType.ALONG_PATH Layer faces in t


A LayerCollection object that contains all the Layer objects for layers in this composition. See LayerCollection object .LayerCollection object; read-only.


Returns the incoming temporal ease for the specified keyframe.keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the range [1..numKeys], as returned by the


When true, this property is an effect PropertyGroup.Boolean; read-only.


The text layerメs spacing between characters.NOTE: If the text layer has different tracking settings for each character, this attribute returns the setting f


When true, the layer is locked; otherwise false. This corresponds to the lock toggle in the Layer panel.Boolean; read/write.


When true, the mask is inverted; otherwise false.Boolean; read/write.


True if the layer in front of this layer is being used as a track matte on this layer. When true, this layer’s track -MatteType value controls how the matte


When true, there is a maximum permitted value for the named property; otherwise false.Boolean; read-only.


Finds the specified keyframe or marker and returns its current value.If no keyframe or marker can be found that matches the argument, this method generates