Finds the specified keyframe or marker and returns the time at which it occurs. If no keyframe or marker can be found that matches the argument, this method
Tag Archives: layer
If this property is a child of an indexed group, creates and returns a new PropertyBase object with the same attribute values as this one.If this property i
When true, the layer has a video switch the eyeball icon in the Timeline panel; otherwise false.Boolean; read-only.
Copies the layer into the specified composition. The original layer remains unchanged. Creates a new Layer object with the same values as this one, and prep
True if time remapping is enabled for this layer.Boolean; read/write.
The type of value stored in thenamed property. The PropertyValueType enumeration has one value for each type of data that can be stored in or retrieved from
Turns temporal continuity on or off for the specified keyframe.When temporal continuity is turned on, it affects this keyframe only if the keyframe interpol
When true,the text layer shows a stroke. Accessthe strokeColor attribute for the actual colorand strokeWidth for its thickness. When false, only a fill is s
The out point of the layer, expressed in composition time seconds .Floating-point value in the range [-10800.0..10800.0] minus or plus three hours ; read/wr
Creates a new ShapeLayer object for a new, empty Shape layer. Use the ShapeLayer object to add properties, such as shape, fill, stroke, and path filters.Thi