
Pauses or resumes the search of the target watch folder for items to render.pause True to pause, false to resume.Nothing.See also Application isWatchFolder


Creates and returns a new PlaceholderItem object and adds it to the projectメs items array. Same as the File > Import > Placeholder A string con


The item that is currently active and is to be acted upon, or a null if no item is currently selected or if multiple items are selected.Item object or null;


Returns the duration, in seconds, of the item. Still footage items have a duration of 0.ユ In a CompItem, the value is linked to the duration of the composit


Removes all items from the project except those specified. Same as the File > Reduce Project command.array _ o f _ i te m s An array containing the Item obj


When true, this item is selected. Multiple items can be selected at the same time. Set to true to select the item programmatically, or to false to deselect

Collection object

Like an array, a collection associates a set of objects or values as a logical group and provides access to them by index. However, most collection objects


A collection of all items in the render queue.RQItemCollection object; read-only.


Creates a new folder. Creates and returns a new FolderItem object and adds it to this collection.If the ItemCollection belongs to the project or the root fo

CompItem object

The CompItem object represents a composition, and allows you to manipulate and get information about it.Access the objects by position index number in a pro