Sets fieldSeparationType and removePulldown to the best estimates for this footage source. If isStill is true, no change is made.The method to use for estim
Category Archives: FootageSource object
The color tobe premultiplied. This attribute is valid only if the alphaMode is alphaMode.PREMULTIPLIED.Array of three floating-point values [R, G, B], in th
PlaceholderSource object
The PlaceholderSource object describes the footage source of a placeholder.PlaceholderSource is a subclass of FootageSource. All methods and attributes of F
A frame rate to use instead of the nativeFrameRate value. If set to 0, the nativeFrameRate is used instead.It is an error to set this value if FootageSource
The effective frame rate as displayed and rendered in compositions by After Effects.If removePulldown is PulldownPhase.OFF,then this is the same as the conf
SolidSource object
The SolidSource object represents a solid-color footage source.ユ SolidSource is a subclass of FootageSource. All methods and attributes of FootageSource, in
How the fields are to be separated in non-still footage.It is an error to set this attribute if isStill is true. It is an error to set this value to FieldSe