
Sets a sequence of files as the proxy of this AVItem, with the option of forcing alphabetical order. Loads the specified file sequence into a new FileSource


A unique and persistent identification number used internally to identify an item between sessions. The value of the ID remains the same when the project is


Consolidates all footage in the project. Same as the File > Consolidate All Footage command.None.Integer; the total number of footage items removed.

ImportOptions object

The ImportOptions object encapsulates the options used to import a file with the Project.importFile methods.The constructor takes an optional parameter, an


The ExtendScript File object for the file that defines this asset. To change the value:ユ If this FileSource is a proxySource of an AVItem, call setProxy ors


Reports whether the file can be imported as the source of a particular object type. If this method returns true, you can set the given type as the value of


Imports the file specified in the specified ImportOptions object, using the specified options. Same as the File > Import File command. Creates and returns a


This attribute is used only when executing a script from a command line on Windows. When the application is launched from the command line, the ヨr or ヨs com


The path and filename of footage that is missing from this asset. See also AVItem footageMissing attribute .String; read-only.


Applies the specified collection of animation settings an animation preset to the layer. Predefined animation preset files are installed in the Presets fold