Properties are accessed by name through layers, using various kinds of expression syntax, as controlled by application preferences. For example, the followi
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Creates and returns a PropertyBase object with the specified name, and adds it to this group.In general, you can only add properties to an indexed group a p
Automatically replaces text found in broken expressions in the project, if the new text causes the expression to evaluate without errors.oldText The text to
Finds and returns a child property of this group, as specified by either its index or name.A name specification can use the same syntax that is available wi
When true, the named property is of a type whose expression can be set by a script. See also Property expression attribute .Boolean; read-only.
The expressionfor the named property. Writeable only when canSetExpression for the named property is true. When you specify a value for this attribute, the
When true, the named property uses its associated expression to generate a value. When false, the keyframe information or static value of the property is us
Contains the error, if any, generated by evaluation of the string most recently set in expression.If no expression string has been specified, or if the last
When true, the named property is time varyingラthat is, it has keyframes or an enabled expression. When this attribute is true, the attribute canVaryOverTime
The value of the named property at the current time.ユ If expressionEnabled is true, returns the evaluated expression value.ユ If there are keyframes, returns