Property object

The Property object contains value, keyframe, and expression information about a particular AE property of a layer. An AE property is an value, often animat


When true, this property is active. For a layer, this corresponds to the setting of the eyeball icon and if the current time is between the layerメs in and o


When true, this property is an effect PropertyGroup.Boolean; read-only.


A string that holds a comment, up to 15,999 bytes in length after any encoding conversion. The comment is for the user’s purpose only; it has no effect on t


Moves this property to a new position in its parent property group.This method is valid only for children of indexed groups; if it is not, or if the index v


Duplicates the layer. Creates a new Layer object in which all values are the same as in this one. This has the same effect as selecting a layer in the user

PropertyBase object

Properties are accessed by name through layers, using various kinds of expression syntax, as controlled by application preferences. For example, the followi


Creates a new AVLayer object containing the specified item, and adds it to this collection.The new layer honors the Create Layers at Composition Start Time


The number of indexed properties in this group.For layers, this method returns a value of 3, corresponding to the mask, effect, and motion tracker groups, w


When true, has the same effect as setting the Force alphabetical order option in the File > Import > File dialog box.Boolean; read/write.