The time in the composition, in seconds, at which rendering will begin. Setting this value is the same as setting a custom start time in the Render Settings
Tag Archives: dialog
Ends the suppression of script error dialog boxes in the user interface. Error dialogs are displayed by default;call this method only if beginSuppressDialog
The available rendering plug-in modules. Member strings reflect installed modules, as seen in the Advanced tab of the Composition Settings dialog box.Array
When true, has the same effect as setting the Force alphabetical order option in the File > Import > File dialog box.Boolean; read/write.
Creates a new project in After Effects, replicating the File > New > New Project menu command.If the current project has been edited, the user is prompted t
The shutter angle setting for the composition. This corresponds to the Shutter Angle setting in the Advanced tab of the Composition Settings dialog box.Inte
When true, writes all source footage XMP metadata to the output file. Corresponds to the Include Source XMP Metadata option in the Output Module Settings di
Opens a project.file Optional. An ExtendScript File object for the project file to open. If not supplied, the method prompts the user to select a project fi
The shutter phase setting for the composition. This corresponds to the Shutter Phase setting in the Advanced tab of the Composition Settings dialog box.Inte
The Footage Start Time setting in the Project Settings dialog box, which is enabled when Timecode is selected as the time display style.A FootageTimecodeDis