
Executes a system command, as if you had typed it on the operating systemメs command line. Returns whatever the system outputs in response to the command, if


Changes the source of this FootageItem to the specified placeholder. Creates a new PlaceholderSource object, sets its values from the parameters, and sets m


Creates a new SolidSource object, with values set as specified; sets the new SolidSource as the mainSource value of a new FootageItem object, and adds the F


Returns true if the specified scripting preferences item exists and has a value.sectionName A string containing the name of a settings sectionkeyName A stri


Creates a new null layer and adds the AVLayer object to this collection. This is the same as choosing Layer > New > Null object.duration Optional, the lengt


Changes the source of this FootageItem to the specified solid. Creates a new SolidSource object, sets its values from theparameters, andsets mainSource to t


Returns the key-value pairs for Flash Video cue-point parameters, for a cue point associated with this marker value.None.An object with an attribute matchin


Saves a default value for a scripting preferences item.sectionName A string containing the name of a settings section keyName A string containing the key na


An array containing all of the currently selected Property and PropertyGroup objects in the layer.Array of PropertyBase objects; read-only.


Creates and returns a new PlaceholderItem object and adds it to the projectメs items array. Same as the File > Import > Placeholder A string con