
The name of a callback function that is called when an error occurs. By creating a function and assigning it to this attribute, you can respond to errors sy


Pauses the current rendering process, or continues a paused rendering process. This is the same as clicking Pause in the Render Queue panel during a render.


Shows the Save dialog box. The user can name a file with a location and save the project, or click Cancel to exit the dialog box.None.Boolean; true if the p

TextLayer object

The TextLayer object represents a text layer within a composition. Create it using the LayerCollection objectメs addText method; It can be accessed in an ite

MarkerValue object

The MarkerValue object represents a layer marker, which associates a comment, and optionally a chapter reference point, Web-page link, or Flash Video cue po

Property object

The Property object contains value, keyframe, and expression information about a particular AE property of a layer. An AE property is an value, often animat


Marks the beginning of an undo group, which allows a script to logically group all of its actions as a single undoable action for use with the Edit > Undo/R


Stops the rendering process. This is the same as clicking Stop in the Render Queue panel during a render. You can call this method from an onStatusChanged o

Project object

The project object represents an After Effects project. Attributes provide access to specific objects within the project, such as imported files or footage


Creates a new CompItem object and moves the specified layers into its layer collection. It removes the individual layers from this collection, and adds the