Viewer object

The Viewer object represents a Composition, Layer, or Footage panel.This maximizes the active viewer panel, and displays its type if it contains a compositi

FootageSource object

The FootageSource object holds information describing the source of some footage. It is used as themainSource of a FootageItem, or the proxySource of a Comp


The color tobe premultiplied. This attribute is valid only if the alphaMode is alphaMode.PREMULTIPLIED.Array of three floating-point values [R, G, B], in th


Starts the rendering process. This is the same as clicking Render in the Render Queue panel. The method does not return until the render process is complete


When true, the AVItem is a placeholder, or represents footage with a source file that cannot be found. In this case, the path of the missing source file isi


The minimum permitted value of the named property. If the hasMin attribute is false, an exception occurs, and an error is generated.Floating-point value; re


When true,the text layer shows a stroke. Accessthe strokeColor attribute for the actual colorand strokeWidth for its thickness. When false, only a fill is s


Sets the parent of this layer to the specified layer, without changing the transform values of the child layer.There may be an apparent jump in the rotation


True if this is an environment layer in a Ray-traced 3D composition. Setting this attribute to true automatically makes the layer 3D threeDLayer becomes tru


When true, you can set the enabled attribute value. Generally, this is true if the user interface displays an eyeball icon for this property; it is true for