
The path and filename of footage that is missing from this asset. See also AVItem footageMissing attribute .String; read-only.


A special name for the property used to build unique naming paths. The match name is not displayed, but you can refer to it in scripts. Every property has a

OutputModule object

An OutputModule object of a RenderQueueItem generates a single file or sequence via a render operation, and contains attributes and methods relating to the

Project object

The project object represents an After Effects project. Attributes provide access to specific objects within the project, such as imported files or footage

RenderQueue object

The RenderQueue object represents the render automation process, the data and functionality that is available through the Render Queue panel of a particular


The pixel aspect ratio PAR of the item.ユ In a CompItem, the value is linked to the composition.ユ In a FootageItem, the value is linked to the mainSource obj


For a separated, multidimensional property, retrieves a specific follower property. For example, you can use this method on the Position property to access


The text layerメs font specified by its PostScript name.NOTE: If the text layer has different font settings for each character, this attribute returns the se

LightLayer object

The LightLayer object represents a light layer within a composition. Create it using the LayerCollection objectメs addLight method; It can beaccessed in anit

FileSource object

The FileSource object describes footage that comes from a file.ユ FileSource is a subclass of FootageSource. All methods and attributes of FootageSource, in