The KeyframeEase object encapsulates the keyframe ease settings of a layerメs AE property. Keyframe ease isdetermined by the speed and influence values that
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The FolderItem object for the folder that contains this item. If this item is at the top level of the project, this is the project’s root folder app.project
AVLayer object
The AVLayer object provides an interface to those layers that contain AVItem objects composition layers, footage layers, solid layers, text layers, and sou
AVItem object
The AVItem object provides access to attributes and methods of audio/visual files imported into After Effects.ユ AVItem is a subclass of Item. All methods an
Application object
Provides access to objects and application settings within the After Effects application. The single global object is always available by its name, app.Attr
CameraLayer object
The CameraLayer object represents a camera layer within a composition. Create it using the LayerCollection objectメs addCamera method; see LayerCollection a
Collection object
Like an array, a collection associates a set of objects or values as a logical group and provides access to them by index. However, most collection objects
Item object
The Item object represents an item that can appear in the Project panel.The first item is at index 1.ユ Item is the base class for AVItem and for FolderItem,
CompItem object
The CompItem object represents a composition, and allows you to manipulate and get information about it.Access the objects by position index number in a pro
FileSource object
The FileSource object describes footage that comes from a file.ユ FileSource is a subclass of FootageSource. All methods and attributes of FootageSource, in