
If this property is a child of an indexed group, creates and returns a new PropertyBase object with the same attribute values as this one.If this property i


Creates a new folder. Creates and returns a new FolderItem object and adds it to this collection.If the ItemCollection belongs to the project or the root fo

Collection object

Like an array, a collection associates a set of objects or values as a logical group and provides access to them by index. However, most collection objects

LayerCollection object

The LayerCollection object represents a set of layers. The LayerCollection belonging to a CompItem object contains all the layer objects for layers in the c


Returns true if a property with the given name can be added to this property group. For example, you can only add mask to a mask group. The only legal input


The effects available in the application.Array, with each element containing the following properties; read-only:displayName String representing the localiz


When true, only layers with shy set to false are shown in the Timeline panel. When false, all layers are visible, including those whose shy value is true. C

ItemCollection object

?ItemCollection object > The ItemCollection object represents a collection of items. The ItemCollection belonging to a Project object contains all the Item


Gets an output module with the specified index position.index The position index of the output module. An integer in the range [1..numOutputModules].OutputM


Marks the beginning of an undo group, which allows a script to logically group all of its actions as a single undoable action for use with the Edit > Undo/R