Moves the viewer panel to the front and places focus on it, making it active. Calling this method will set the viewerメs active attribute to true.None.Boolea
Tag Archives: viewer
Viewer object
The Viewer object represents a Composition, Layer, or Footage panel.This maximizes the active viewer panel, and displays its type if it contains a compositi
The Viewer object for the currently focused or active-focused viewer Composition, Layer, or Footage panel.Returns null if no viewers are open.Viewer object;
Opens the layer in a Layer panel, and moves the Layer panel to front and gives it focus.None.Viewer object for the Layer panel, or null if the layer could n
Opens the composition in a Composition panel, and moves the Composition panel to front and gives it focus.None.Viewer object for the Composition panel, or n
Opens the footage in a Footage panel, and moves the Footage panel to front and gives it focus.NOTE: Missing and placeholder footage can be opened using this
When true, indicates if the viewer panel is focused, and thereby frontmost.Boolean; read-only.
When true, indicates if the viewer panel is at its maximized size.Boolean; read/write.
The content in the viewer panel.A ViewerType enumerated value; read-only. One of:ViewerType.VIEWER _COMPOSITIONViewerType.VIEWER_L AYERViewerType.VIEWER _FO