
The Use Feet + Frames menu setting in the Project Settings dialog box.Use this attribute instead of the old timecodeFilmType attribute.A FeetFramesFilmType


The quality with which this layer is displayed.A LayerQuality enumerated value; read/write. One of:LayerQuality.BESTLayerQuality.DRAFTLayerQuality.WIREFRAME


The number of keyframes in the named property. If the value is 0, the property is not being keyframed.Integer; read-only.


The type of this property.A PropertyType enumerated value; read/write. One of:PropertyType.PROPERTY A single property such as position or zoom.PropertyType.


Sets fieldSeparationType and removePulldown to the best estimates for this footage source. If isStill is true, no change is made.The method to use for estim


Schedules the specified JavaScript for delayed execution.stringToExecute A string containing JavaScript to be executed.delay A number of milliseconds to wai


When true, the frame rate of nested compositions is preserved in the current composition. Corresponds to the value of the Preserve frame rate when nested or


Returns the outgoing spatial tangent for the specified keyframe.keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the range [1..numKeys], as returned by th


An array containing each feather pointメs radius interpolation type 0 for non-Hold feather points, 1 for Hold feather points .NOTE: Values are stored in the


The Footage Start Time setting in the Project Settings dialog box, which is enabled when Timecode is selected as the time display style.A FootageTimecodeDis