
For a separated follower, the dimension number it represents in the multidimensional leader. The first dimension starts at 0.Forexample, the Y Position prop


The original multidimensional property for this separated follower. For example, if the current property is Y Position, this attributeメs value points to the


For a separated, multidimensional property, retrieves a specific follower property. For example, you can use this method on the Position property to access


How the fields are to be separated in non-still footage.It is an error to set this attribute if isStill is true. It is an error to set this value to FieldSe


When true, the property represents one of the separated dimensions for a multidimensional property. For example, the X Position property has this attribute


When true, the property is multidimensional and can be separated. For example, the Position property has this attribute set to true.NOTE: The original, cons