
Sets the incoming and outgoing temporal ease for the specified keyframe. See KeyframeEase object .keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the ran


The masking mode for this mask.AMaskMode enumerated value; read/write. One of:MaskMode.NONEMaskMode.ADDMaskMode.SUBTRACTMaskMode.INTERSECTMaskMode.LIGHTENMa


Returns the outgoing interpolation type for the specified keyframe.keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the range [1..numKeys], as returned by


When true, this property is an effect PropertyGroup.Boolean; read-only.


When true, there is a minimum permitted value for the named property; otherwise false.Boolean; read-only.


Returns the index of the keyframe nearest to the specified time.time The time in seconds; a floating-point value. The beginning of the composition is 0.Inte


Moves this property to a new position in its parent property group.This method is valid only for children of indexed groups; if it is not, or if the index v


For a separated follower, the dimension number it represents in the multidimensional leader. The first dimension starts at 0.Forexample, the Y Position prop


Sets the static value of a property that has no keyframes.If the named property has keyframes, this method generates an exception and displays an error. To


The color used to draw the mask outline as it appears in the user interface Composition panel, Layer panel, and Timeline panel .Array of three floating-poin